Treat yourself to a mango tree
By: Natasha Were | [email protected] July, 2012
Planting a tree in your yard is probably the easiest way to offset your carbon footprint.
During the course of a lifetime, all of those carbon-absorbing leaves will make a significant contribution to the health of the planet. If it’s a fruit bearing tree, it’s also a regular source of juicy, vitmain-laden fruits.
This Saturday, 28 July, the Queen Elizabeth II Botanic Park is holding its annual mango tree sale, so if you want to be able to enjoy your own sun-ripened mangos, get yourself along to the park from 9am onwards.
“We will have over 500 grafted Mango trees in three gallon pot size available for purchase,” says John Lawrus, general manager of the Botanic Park. “There will be over 20 varieties for sale including Alphonso, Bombay, Carrie, Cogshall, DOT, East Indian, Edward, Fairchild, Glenn, Graham, Haden, Ice Cream, Jakarta, Julie, Keitt, Kent, Lancetilla, Mallika, Nam Doc, Neelum, Rosigold, Val Carrie, and Valencia Pride.”
The sale is a fundraiser for the ongoing development of the park. “Right now we are raising funds to develop our Xeriphytic Garden which will showcase plants that have minimal water requirements such as cactus and succulents,” John says.
There will also be a variety of breads, juices, jams and other local products on sale courtesy of Zelmalee Ebanks.
There is no entry fee for the sale, but those wishing to enter the park will have to pay the regular admission.
It’s advisable to arrive promptly (although not before 9am) as it’s first come first served and last year they sold more than 400 trees in four hours, John says.