The design intent of the Floral Colour Garden is to create an informal garden in which one could stroll in an alternate landscape; such as coloured floral displays; laid out by colours, starting with pink and working through red, orange, yellow, white, blue, purple and lavender and different natural habitats such as the wooded areas with native trees, and into open, grassy spaces.
Visitors entering the Pink Garden at the entrance of the Floral Garden, pass under a pergola covered with flowing vines, entering the first section where you will find plants with pink flowers or coloration in the leaves, before you transition into the Red Garden.
In the Red Garden you will notice that it is wooded and shady and is home to a large number of exotic looking foliage plants that thrive under the shade of our native trees. Some of the plants that you may find here include Heliconias, Gingers, Crotons, and many more. This section of the color garden provides more of a feeling of a tropical rain forest than anywhere else in the Queen Elizabeth II Botanic Park.
Moving from the tropical feeling you are now in the heat of the Orange Garden which features plants that enjoy being directly in the sunlight. The dramatic palms that seem to anchor the Orange Garden are Canary Islands Date Palms which exhibit orange fruit and are also home to many types of epiphytes.
From the heat of the Orange Garden we transition into the yellow garden which is also in a shaded area of the garden. This helps to display the various tones of yellow that you will find here, as they are more easily viewed against the contrast of the darker surroundings.
The White Garden is next which opens up into a sunnier perspective and winds up to the gazebo where a display of water lilies can be viewed while relaxing here. At the gazebo you can view a lovely vista down the lake and other areas of the color garden. This area provides the first viewpoint of our lawn area which invites you to sit down and relax for awhile.
Finishing out the Color Garden is the Blue Garden which encompasses three shades of colour which are blue, purple and lavender. It is the largest area of the Floral Color Garden and its variety of plantings routinely change as we try to introduce new plants to this area.